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Hello! I'm very excited to try this out with my young adult class. I work at a school for children to young adults with special needs, so it can be hard finding games for them that everyone can play together, but can be enjoyable (and challenging enough!) for all of them since their abilities vary greatly. The visual symbols with the group creative problem solving I think will be a helpful activity for them. Thank you for creating it!


I played it now with my kids. One aged four and one nearly six. We all had a blast. I gave them a sheet of paper and they drew everything that they did. We did six weeks in three separate sessions because it was really easy to stop or start. 

I only had 3d6 so keeping track was a tad difficult. I had originally planned on using some sort od counter but I wasn’t able to so I just wrote out a number line and added to it each week and it worked alright. Having an actual pool of d6 would have really helped them understand what was going on though. 

Anyway, highly recommend for play with kids. 


Looks amazing! Am planning to play with my kids next week while we’re out camping. We’re going to draw a map of what we discover and build.

One question for clarification though, what is the intention behind the symbols for the events? Are those meant to guide the number (and type) of tasks needed to resolve the problem? So the beaver damning up the water will require them to deal with the beaver (forest friends) and probably come up with some construction as a comprise or whatever?

I think I’ll run them with the symbols as a guideline like I explained above, just curious what the original intention was. 

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Thank you so much for the interest! I hope you and your kids have a lot of fun!

You nailed it! Even that they're guidelines, not hard rules. We tried to break it up so the different types of rolls have an equal chance to be used, but don't want creativity to be squashed. So if your group happens to find a way to use Resources instead, like luring the beavers downriver so they can build their dam where it doesn't affect your water supply, that's great too. It'll ultimately be up to the GM to decide if it's a good replacement roll.